The Masked Singer
United Kingdom
The Masked Singer is a reality singing competition hosted by Joel Dommett and featuring Ken Jeong, Davina McCall, Rita Ora, and Jonathan Ross. 12 celebrities compete inside elaborate character costumes as viewers and the panel speculate on who could be behind the mask.
Program Information
Bandicoot Scotland / ITV
Trivia: This is the first nomination for Bandicoot Scotland and ITV won this category in 2019. There are two Nominations for the Mask Singer format this year.
Executive Producer(s): Claire Horton, Derek McLean, Daniel Nettleton
Director(s): Simon Staffurth
Producer(s): Marc Bassett
Writer(s): Les Keen, Aiden Spackman
Principal cast: Joel Dommett, Ken Jeong, Davina McCall, Rita Ora, Jonathan Ross